Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Horseshít. By abdicating responsibility for vast swathes of our legislative processes to an unelected foreign bureaucracy, we have degraded the quality and ability of our parliamentarians to the point where they are unable to legislate effectively, display a truly pathetic grasp of policy detail and have lost all respect for their offices and for their democratic responsibilities, traditions, precedents and duties.

Parliament has, by inches, been separated from the people to such an extent that there is now a vast and unbridgeable gulf between them. We consequently have parliamentarians whose first loyalty is not to this country but to Brussels and a speaker who has now chosen to breach the single most important aspect of his role - impartiality - in order to aid the cause of a hostile foreign power against an elected and Royally-appointed government.

And this is not a Tory problem. This is a democracy problem - a voter problem. The fact that people can spout the former without realising the latter is rather at the heart of the matter.
Dear God, you're unhinged.

There are many theories on why we have such a woeful callibre of politician nowadays compared to the latter half of the C20th. But EU membership isn't one of them.

If you think any MP's loyalty to the EU is more than their loyalty to their own interests, their party and their consituents, let alone to their country you're deranged. But that's because you can't see the blindingly obvious - that a great many MPs believe EU membership to be in the interests of their constituents and the nation as a whole.

And why is it you lot only describe Brussels bureaucrats as unelected, never our own ones?

The irony of this whole fiasco being down to the red lines drawn up not by our elected representatives but by Nick'n'Fi, two unelected bureaucrats, is delicious.

And if you don't think the speaker should uphold constitutional precedence, then how do you think things should work? Make it up on the fly? The Brexiters have tried that for the last 2-3 years and it doesn't look like the best way to do things, imo.

You talk about impartiality but you're now in the stage where you are twisting everything to be seen through the prism of your views on Brexit. Not healthy.

If a speaker had used this to stop a Lab govt. doing something you hated, you'd be raising a glass to King James VI/I and telling us all that this is why we're better than foreigners with no history and their silly, continental written constitutions.