Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
I had that Emmanuel Macron in the back of the cab once. I gather than Tony Blair has been advising the EU on negotiating with the UK. Tony Blair. Have you seen the size of his house on Connaught Square? It is enourmous. Not bad for a Prime Minister's salary. It wasn't quite big enough though so he bought the mews property behind it and joined them up. So his 24 hour police guard has two entrances to guard. Two heavily armed coppers at the front, two at the back, three shifts per rotation of the earth. 12 plods a day - who pays for that? Perhaps we can send the bill to Raytheon and General Dynamics.

When I wandered down the mews to see if I'd get shot Cheri opened the back door to bring them a cuppa. How sweet!
An ex-Prime minister ought to retire with a bit of comfort, though. Blair of course detroyed the moral fabric of this country and depurified our precious bodily fluids, but he derves to make a few quid after all the hassle of being PM.

Plus, imagine being married to that sour-faced biyatch.