Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
But you do say "great white hope".

I do hate all these identity politics fückwits. All my black mates say black but the semi-literate student brigade jumped on some posh English actor, who was actually trying to help, for saying "coloured" when they wanted "persons of colour" despite the fact that the biggest black rights org in the west is the NAACP where C stands for coloured.

It's all about finding something to take offence over, and it achieves nothing.

If they just took a fraction of the time they spend posting about being offended (and yes I know I'm being hypocritical) and did one hour's work at min wage, the tenner they could send to MSF or, I dunno, how 'bout a charity working with the Delhi street kids, would actually make the world a better place, and would be worthwhile them bragging about online.
Where does all that leave the expression...'young, gifted and black'..something that I often refer to myself as, being none of them?