Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Fück you.

I hope we swap places we Barnet.

Fücking scum.

Yes I am pissed in Paris.

But I don't care.

Given Dick and the Septic will never make us NL's best team ever again in our entire history, I hope Barnet beat us to 2nd place.

Hit the Septic capitalists in their pockets. Only lingo untermenschen like that understand.

Thanks for winning us two cups, Rambo. Wish we could have done your skills justice. I wouldn't quite say Chippy Mk 2, but too fücking close for my liking. Hope you win the CL, preferably against a team I hate.

Rambo in. Ozil in. AW in. Dick, Septic and the spastics out.

And no, just to be absolutely clear, I'm not joking. This isn't even a kernal of truth exaggerated for supposedly comic effect.

I hope those ****s get munched by tigers. Or trampled to death by Wellyphants. Or bitten by cobras.

Or just taken out and fücking shot at dawn.


Fück the lot of you and your AFTV mates. The internet and our Septic owner have ruined the team my granddad first got season tickets for. I'd happily switch off the internet, nuke the Septics and feed all of AFTV to tigers if it got us one more season with Rambo.

You know, he might win us another cup like he did win with two previous finals.

But fück him and Ozil, eh?
It's 300K a week according to the Times. And anyone who thinks we should be paying that useless Welsh tw@t 300k a week should be strapped into a giggle jacket.