Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
ffs, Joan of Arc - a teenage peasant bint in the middle ages - made our army surrender (effectively) in 2 years after we'd been at war for 90+ years.

If it weren't for Joffre at the Marne, you and I would be speaking French.

Did they surrender at Verdun? Did they ****. Il ne passerent pas. They did that all one their own, while simultaenously giving us some divisions for the Somme and bailing the wops out on the Italian Front.

And if the French hadn't suicidally sacfriced themselves on the approaches to Dunkirk, and then still taken over when our rear-guard left for the beach, we'd have lost the entire BEF and the 90k French soldiers we escaped with (who fought heroically for us thereafter.)

I've been in France for a month so am not really up for this drivel.

And don't ever slag off the Indian army or I'll have to remind you about every single time a Gurkha, Sikh, Pathan, Baluchi or Gurwhali saved your sorry gora arses.
No mention of the Legion Freies Indien?