Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Agreed. Let's go back to the Georgian-Victorian parliamentary system.

With a limited franchise. The thick, the northerners and Tory sympathisers and other right wingers shouldn't be allowed to vote. Just me and my missus in fact.

But we need a form of PR to break it. {How did you vote in the AV ref btw} Ideally STV with multi-member constituencies.

But Parl won't vote for that. Turkeys don't vote for Xmas. Well, except poor, northern, racist turkeys who don't understand the basics of international trade.
At least they have an understanding of the basics of democratic accountability. And they cannot possibly be as thick as elitist, fake-left cùnts who think they'll be able to implement socialist policies after the next election when their darling neoliberal EU won't even let Italy pass a Keynsian, anti-austerity budget.

See you on the other side of the barricade. I'll be the one in the yellow vest. You'll be the one egging on the coppers with the machine guns.