Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Poor old gg is emblematic of a large proportion of the pro-EU lobby. All their political lives, they've considered themselves left of centre, anti-materialist, progressive, anti-establishment, champions of the working classes and anti-authority, only to discover that, when the rubber hits the road, they are in fact profoundly conservative, profoundly bourgeois snobs who would prefer to cling to an undemocratic, supranational protectionist, corporatist bureaucracy than accept a democratic decision made by people they instinctively consider their social and intellectual inferiors.

I mean, many of us always knew how hypocritical and self-serving the so-called progressive middle-class left has always been, but they really have shown themselves up very badly in the last couple of years.

So for poor old gg, he sees chaps lobbing bricks at coppers and instinctively thinks he should be on their side. However, the minute 'the people' threaten to change anything about his comfortable existence, he sh1ts his pants and clings to bourgeois authority.

Bit harsh