Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
I’m afraid your argument falls down on the fact that the only people who are angry and call for a second vote are those who voted Remain in the first place. Those who voted Leave - and were supposedly lied to (and therefore would have the greatest reason to feel aggrieved, you’d have thought) show no desire whatsoever for a second vote.

In other words, the call for a second vote is just a cynical call by the tantrummy little people who lost for another go. They try to justify this cynical petulance with the patronising argument that they are just trying to protect us ignorant, common, uneducated Brexit voters from ourselves, since we are too stupid to be allowed to vote.

Those calling for a second vote are - frankly -middle-class snobs outraged that the lower orders have dared to defy their will and inconvenience them. When confronted by the fact that Brexit voters have no interest in being saved from themselves, the mask slips and they invariably descend into naked class hatred that characterises Brexit voters as racist, Neo-Nazi animals.

They are - frankly - arseholes.
Not true, B.

Every single Lab held seat has a majority, however small, for a 2nd vote.

And given many Lab seats voted Leave, this clearly shows that some Leave voters, however small a number, have changed their minds.

This may not include anyone you know personally, and it may be only a small number, but some have and given the closeness of the vote, it's enough to tip the balance.

So if the majority of the public now want a 2nd vote, by however small a majority, and the majority would now vote remain, by however small a majority, the democratic thing to do is have a 2nd vote.

There are some people who you don't know and who don't post on the internet who voted Leave without actually being obsessive about it and can now see that the promises weren't kept, and therefore think on balance we should cancel Brexit.

Or do you claim to know all 17m personally?

Because if not, you can't really say what they all want, can you?

By 17m, you mean me and my mates.