Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
As ever, you are without taste or discernment.

I have a deep love of C of E hymns and still find myself humming things like 'Oh, God Our Help in Ages Past', 'Dear Lord and Father of Mankind', 'Immortal, Invisible', 'Now Thank We All Our God' and 'Oh, worship the King, all glorious above'. They're embedded in my unconscious.

And that's before you get on to classics like Jerusalem and I Vow To Thee My Country, which are great, great songs.

If you want truly bad religious songs, try the awful dirges masquerading as 'hymns' in a Catholic service. Fùck me, they're bad.
Jerusalem and I Vow To Thee My Country actually have a tune to them and you can imagine them being emotional to those raised in the UK who are into that sort of thing i.e. not Jorge and those of his ilk.

But some of the hymns last night were virtually impossible to actually sing. You'll get to where you think you know the tune is going, then look and realize there is one four syllable word left yet a load of notes remain, so they then stretch the one word out over all these notes so that it lasts about 5 seconds.

Nope, too much nonsense musically. And one of them was in Latin!