Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
It was nice. Sitting in front of us were an 80 year old lady and her middle-aged daughter. A second glance at the 'daughter' showed the 5 o'clock shadow and huge Adam's apple. At the end, another old dear bustled up with cries of "Edith, haven't seen you for ages!" Mum looked mildly uncomfortable at the explainign she was about to have to do at which her/himself declared, "I've just come out as trans, which is why (Lordly sweep of the arm) dressed like this."

It was really rather sweet.
Ah. The old 'It's easier to 'come out' as trans than admit to your churchgoing ma you just like cock' variant of transism. A classic ruse.

A gay colleague of mine tells me he's grateful he grew up several decades ago when this option didn't exist. He's convinced he and half the sodomites he knows would have chosen this route rather than just admitting they were queer.