Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Well, it's still socially unacceptable to wave a swastika around, but a hammer and sickle is apparently perfectly fine.

It's not that gender fluidity hurts anyone (except, of course, when people are persecuted for wrongthink) - it's that we are being bullied into accepting and repeating a lie.

A man in a dress is not a woman. I could be interviewed and possibly cautioned by the police for saying that. Don't you find that disturbing?
Wasn't the hammer and sickle more popular 30 years ago than it is now? I think we are more aware of the atrocities committed by Stalin (and co) now, than we were in the 80s.

If someone was cautioned for saying a man in a dress isn't a woman (and no more) that would be disturbing. I agree. If it happened regularly, then we'd have a real problem.