Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Her story was in no way credible. It didn't meet the most basic criteria for credibility in law. She didn't tell her therapist until 30 years later and there was no corroborating evidence whatsoever.

And as for 'bad behaviour', show me any man who doesn't have 'bad behaviour' somewhere in his past. if you're suggesting those instances should be treated as evidence of a propensity to rape or sexually assault, then we're all in serious trouble.

This was a politically motivated smear job and it didn't work. And now you're just putting weird and distasteful sentiments in my mouth to satisfy your misplaced sense of moral superiorty. You can fvck right off with that and poke your notion of yourself as one of the good guys up your arse while you're at it.
And curiously she refused to make her therapist's notes available to the hearing.