Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
There’s a key difference. When they were helping scousers kill each other or cracking the skulls of miners, they were acting in the best interests of law and order. Today, they’re doing the opposite.
They were not acting in the interests of law and order. THey were wholly responsible for the breach of the peace at Orgreave and regularly provoked or initiated clashes throughout the miner's strike.

At Hillsborough they were doing what police forces did throughout the 80s- treating football fans like animals and endangering their safety. No scousers killed each other.

Today they are still attemptingtodestroythat well-earned reputation by being incredibly PC and touchy-feely about verything. You will blame my ilk for that, I blame yours.

At least we finally agree that the police are ****s. Lets celebrate that. They finally brought our ilks together