Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
I'm just telling you that wasn't my reading.

I read the article with an open mind. I may be a lefty but given my lifestyle I hate victimhood and identity politics and a fücking large chunk of my own party.*

I read the parts about Blair, his travels, the trains etc.

And the following sentence.

But I thought that sentence specifically referred to the poor types HMQ has to meet.

Just saying it could well be read like that. Perhaps you Torygraph readers think that's fine, but the Times would never publish something like that.

Have you considered that you are not approaching this with an open mind cos you want him to be exonerated cos it will annoy those you dislike?

Just sayin', B, if I was writing a post-grad history essay on AWIMB, you as a primary source would be analysed very strongly through the prism of your online persona. Fra more than many others. {Though poss less than my old mate Jorge.}

Try to see yourself as others see you, Monkey, then you will better help Tripitakka on his Vedic quest.

{btw, was Tripitakka a man or women. Monks are meant to be male but I really fancied him/her when I was about 8.}

*Indeed, when we one the student category of the OWM award in 2012, when presented it in the Guardian building on stage, Jon Snow said the thing that most impressed the jury was that we were the only people who made a film in the 3rd world where they were shown as humans not victims. It's our calling card.

And if I were still in the business of textual analysis (as opposed to textual commoditisation, which pays better), I would refer you to your hilariously unconscious othering and innate neo-colonialist attitude to ‘they’.

Because, however sympathetically you choose to objectify your fellow humans, you’re still objectifying them. Because that’s what they really are to you: objects. You’re no less a product of your upbringing, learned prejudices and tribe than I am, mate.

However hard you want not to be, you’re still just a tourist. Why? Because you have the option to walk away.