Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
It would be less of a laugh if it turned out they'd helped put a communist in charge of the country, though, tbh.
Actually, as someone who's been fighting the bearded Trot at CLP level for 3 years, the only good thing about a Lab victory atm would be Jez nationalising the possessions of all though rich, Spectator-reading Tory fückwits who joined our party to vote for him for a whole penny and then seeing them sent to a gulag.

Well done, Tory swine. This country has made its greatest progress when both parties are run by their moderate wings and they each fight for the centre. Instead, you pushed a Trot on us so you could be run by an old skool, anti-EU, anti-modern, hang'em and flog'em type.

And now you've lost everything and are in a re-education camp.

Lolz as da yoot say.