Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Sadly, yes. Still, just imagine how much worse they'd be if we hadn't got our civilising hands on them.

What is it with your Indian and pooing in the street? I mean there have to be better places to drop your keks and unload, don't there? Behind a bush or on a traffic island, ffs.
I remember once being stuck in an idyllic spot somehwre in the middle of nowhere, Rajasthan, waiting for my driver to change a puncture. It was late afternoon, the heat was enervating, and I sat by the vehicle peering vaguely into the ploughed field next to us. A chap walked up, nodded a greeting, walked 20 yards into the field directly in front of me, lifted his skirts, sat and shat.

Without any sort of wipe he then stood, walked back, nodded farewell and wandered off.

I often still question his thought process. Did he take a dump right in front of me as a sort of comment on the Raj? I'd be surprised, since he seemed friendly enough. Perhaps he simply didn't wish to be lonely?

The Indian government has been working hard to persuade the population to use toilets, but apparently with limited success.

I don't know. I really don't know.