Quote Originally Posted by 7sisters View Post
There was something on the box the other week that pointed out the all of this sifting and sorting was mostly bollox. The separation infrastructure just isn't in place. I was told the other day that tins had to be washed out before putting them in a bin, in order to have any sort of chance of being recycled properly.
Govt's really ought to make sure they can at least go halfway towards genuine recycling before putting people through all this stuff, only for it to end up in landfill. Oh, and don't get me started on local community tips. Ours employs 10 blokes who stand around all day doing mostly f*ck all, while wearing high viz jackets, directing people.... 'over there mate, no, the one at the end'.
And they supplement their income by taking anything that might be worth a couple of quid for themselves.