Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post
Well, victim might be overstating it slightly. To the extent that my sister is bothered by her daughter's actions I suppose it could be seen to have an impact on me as I rather care for her.

Her daughter, who has been openly gay for some time, has just decided that she is a he, has changed her gender to male on Facebook and is now called James.

Her choice, of course, but it struck me that 20 years ago she would have just happily lived her life out as a gay woman. Her mother, father, grandparents, friends all accepted some time ago that she was gay, so why the need to take another step? Is it possible, just possible, that by going over the top on trans rights we've actually reached a situation where people are making changes that they might not otherwise consider? Changes that aren't really required at all and that cause angst and discomfort and inconveniences both family members and the public at large, just because they can?

Is she going the whole hog and buying some meat and 2 veg from the butcher?