Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
The fact that a chap likes cock ought to my mind be treated much as one might an unsightly facial growth or a speech impediment. One should be kind, respectful and tolerant of the aberration and endeavour to treat its victim as one would anyone else. However, that does not require us to celebrate the unfortunate business or pretend that it is in any sense a desirable condition.

As you know, I too have no problem with the homos. It doesnt matter to me where a chap chooses to bury his treasure.

that said, I do find it incredibly boring when they feel the need to talk about it incessantly and allow themselves to be defined by it. Imagine how boring straight men. Are when they do nothing but talk about 'pulling birds' and how much fanny they get.

I am quite comfortable being around bum bandits but the accent and affectation is quite frankly ****ing annoying. the sheer fabulousness of it all.