Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
How can killing >400,000 people in an attempt to set up a barbarian caliphate, making 7-11 million people homeless, with 2 million coming to Europe be the best hand available? All for what, exactly? Just to set the ground to do the same thing to Iran as was done to Iraq (estimated over a million dead), and to Libya (a once affluent population reduced to poverty and slavery) or Ukraine (worse off than before the overthrow of the elected govt) or Kosovo (worse off than within Yugoslavia)?

All these stupid wars and interventions and regime changes are complete disasters for everyone except the MIC that profit from them, their mercs, and their presstitutes who finally sell some papers and cheerleaders who get a hard on from destroying countries.

Right, I need to do some work
This is grossly simplistic. ISIS arose not because the US went into Iraq, but because it listened to people like you, bottled it and left, creating a huge power vacuum. Libya - like Syria - was run by a brutal dictator whose populace rebelled against him - the West simply reacted to it. As for Ukraine, the Russians have tried to operate it as a puppet state since 1991, even poisoning its future PM at one point because he wasn't pro-Russian, tried to prevent it signing international agreements (as independent nations are entitled to do) and eventually invaded it in an undeniable act of nakedly imperialist aggression on the basis of a completely unconstitutional referendum. And, in case you didn't notice, the Serbs were murdering thousands of civilians in Kosovo - pretty barbaric, too, I'd have said.

You want to stop looking at everything through your red-tinted glasses, a. Sometimes the Russians are the bad guys.