Quote Originally Posted by SWv2 View Post
It’s all a massive pain in the *******s, as we have discussed and now our HR friend (Nazi?) has also confirmed. I had reached the point where my boss was basically taking the piss and giving all the work to me so I have told him I am not willing to become the company DPO. Have to say the atmosphere is frostier than Tony the Tiger.
Apart from the whole consent fandango, there's the infrastructure security too. If you get hacked, it's basically your fault unless you can show you have done everything possible to avoid it, which basically means bankrupting yourself hiring security consultants to do 'penetration tests' on your websites and networks. And if an external data processor you use can't produce compliancy documentation you're supposed to sack them off as if an alternative is available off the peg to just plug in instead. Who'd want to take DPO responsibility for that lot?