that Green's career is in ruins for simply doing what nearly every man does. In fact, any man that doesn't use the Interhole to occasionally browse pictures of the bare naked wimmins is a wrong'un or a butt-holer.

And this copper that is touted as some kind of 'Computer Forensics Expert' is nothing of the sort, as anyone that works in the Internet on a technical level will attest. He tried to imply that the presence of 'thousands' of thumbnails in Green's cache indicated thousands of visits to porn sites - total bóllocks. One click on a page and a thousand images can download and you don't even see, or know anything about them.

'Experts' in the police and judiciary rarely bear any kind of technical scrutiny because those agencies won't pay for real talent.* They gave evidence once some time ago, so they get asked again. Once they have testified for the prosecution two or three times their position as an 'expert' is cemented like some dangerously flawed circular argument.

*recent reports suggest GCHQ finally got their act together and hired some decent coders but I'd still take it with a pinch of salt.