Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
He was utterly wrong and you know it. He was talking about black immigration and you know it. He said there would be great bloodshed (there wasnt), he said numerically their presence would be on a par with the USA (it isnt), he said it would be the total transformation of our entire country (it wasnt) and he said the black man would hold the whip over the white man (surely even you are not going to argue on that point).

He was wrong. He knew it as well. The speech was deliberately provocative and a massive over statement of both the situation and the trend. It was deliberately alarmist.

This is pretty what I am accusing you of.
I'll give you the fact he was talking about black immigration from the West Indies, but on the general principle of mass immigration into this country and the overall trend, he was spot on. Bloodshed, the increasing normalisation of alien culture, colonisation by stealth (first locally and increasingly nationally) and population replacement - it's all happening.

The trend for non-white, non-European immigration into this country is relentlessly upwards and the birthrates of those non-white, non-European immigrants massively exceeds that of the native population. How else do you imagine that trend can end but in the scenario Powell described?

It doesn't suit you to acknowledge the seismic changes that are taking place, but that doesn't make them any less real.