Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
think tank the Quilliam Foundation have both given key note speeches/released reports about Islamist terrorism/Muslim grooming gangs over the past few days, and neither of them felt it was relevant to mention that the central messages of the main Islamic religious texts endorse these actions and that this *might* be part of the problem.

This, from The Times, made me chuckle. Look at where the focus is shifted:

"More than 80% of people convicted of child-grooming offences are Asian, a report will reveal this week.

The research, by the anti-extremism organisation Quilliam, looked at 58 cases of grooming gangs identified in the UK between 2005 and 2017, which led to 264 convictions for grooming.

Of the 264 offenders, 84% were of Asian heritage, mostly Pakistani; 8% were black and 7% were white.

Haras Rafiq, chief executive of Quilliam, said: “There has been a lot of coverage of grooming gangs recently, ranging from the politically correct, who don’t want to talk about it, and the bigots who want to use it for hate.

“Not talking about it doesn’t make the problem go away, and letting bigots hijack the debate creates further division in society. We as a society need to tackle this head on.”"