Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
It was just about to get good, ffs!

The cop just got acquitted of 2nd degree murder, proving that, while the US police are rabidly homicudal, they aren’t racist.
I know...I watched it until he shot him

Interesting that you take it as proof that they arent racist, as though being rabidly homicidal and racist are mutually exclusive.

The thing is, in most cases the cop is merely very poorly trained and doesnt have the judgement to be given a gun. THey shoot based on the likelihood of the 'perp' trying to shoot them. When the 'perp' in question is black the cop is more likely to believe that they are armed.

Its a kind of racism, certainly, but not Grade 1.

This obviously doesnt include the ones where they shoot them five times in the back when they are merely trying to run away.