Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Sometimes he ****ing sucks.... it isn't my fault.

He likes to mix it up and never do the same gig twice. That means some of the gigs feature almost exclusively his ****test songs. I respect that, I just dont particularly enjoy it.

He is one of those artists that makes you suffer for his art. Anyone who has to stand there and listen to a ten minute version of Twist and Shout is suffering, even if they refuse to believe it.

You and your ilk are so blinded by faith that he cant fart without you going online to try and find a bootleg of it.

I wont take the blame for your inability to distinguish between negativity and critical thought.
You need help. Urgent help. If no help is available, at least ask to be physically restrained before you harm yourself or innocent members of the public. I will try to arrange an exorcism, though God knows what variety of hellish demon will be puked from the remnants of your blackened soul.