Quote Originally Posted by Herbert Augustus Chapman View Post
You forget swamp, while working class sons of toil such as we have horny calloused hands that can swing sledgehammers, fops like Ash, Berni and Peter have hands covered in a soft, translucent material, their skin, which tears and blisters on any contact with tools.

Ash wouldn't even be able to undo the screws. He'd choose the wrong Philips and fúck the screw-heads.
I'll have you know, h, that my hands are rough and calloused from years of wielding spade, shovel, mattock and hoe and grubbing around in the dirt to grow my sweet, sweet vegetables.

So I may not be a son of toil, but I'm fairly horny-handed. I reckon I'd pass a Khmer Rouge Year Zero-type inspection at least.