Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Its similar to our own issue with immigration. One can be opposed to immigration without being racist but if one is racist one is bound to oppose immigration. Politics tends to lump people together with the other people voting the same way.

I dont think Trump ran a racist campaign but he ran one that deliberately targeted the premise of political correctness and challenged it. At times, this involved perpetuating racial stereotypes in the more subtle forms and then refusing to apologise for it. Millions of people loved him for that. His sentence on Mexicans was almost genius- he didnt they say they were rapists but he phrased the sentence to make it sound as though he was saying it.

His real genius was in making the White House sound far more important than it actually is, endowing it with the power to change anything it wanted. Powerful President= powerful USA.
Oh, yes. There are vast hordes of votes to be won by challenging political correctness, though, for the simple reason that all right-thinking people absolutely fùcking hate it.