Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Ah, if we're properly going up something, there will be an elevenses meal of sandwiches, crisps, apples and Kit Kats within the rucksack. This meal will be taken at around 10, followed by getting off the mountain in time for lunch at 1

Do you like to load up in the morning prior to departure, a? I generally find I'm too excited and raring to go.
Oh yes, the works. Grapefruit and perhaps some other fruits followed by a full Onglay. We used to take lunch but now just a few nibbles and an emergency bar of something. We don't get out until half-nine onwards, so no chance of being back down for lunch, more a couple of afternoon beers before dinner.

I'm sure the very early hours are magnificent out there, but my clock isn't really cut out for that sort of caper, and I doubt the innkeepers would be too amused if we demanded brekky for half past five.