Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
to dress decently. No personal responsibility, you see?

"Tracy Banham’s credit card limit was raised several times without asking, despite her making only the minimum payments. This left her with more than £28,000 of borrowing to repay alone."

Notice the cause of her debt was the credit limit being increased. Nothing to do with her spending the money.

Now do you understand me? A suit, a crsiply ironed white shirt, polished shoes and a perfectly knotted tie. These things will keep you in good mental, physical and economic health.
I was thinking the other day that, due to the general softness of society and the educational system these days, there are millions of adults walking the streets who have never been punched in the face. Now I'm sure pretty much everyone of our generation has been punched in the face at one time or another and it has taught us salutary lessons. But what can a generation of kids who've never had a slap possibly know about anything?

It worries me. It really does.