Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Gosh. Church elections, eh? Who knew?

The SD are interesting, though. Their roots were as a hard-right fascist organisation, but they've actually cleaned up their act and become largely respectable, I understand.

fwiw, I don't believe this bloke got bummed by a Nazi for a moment.
The general election is next year. Unless something dramatically changes it's looking like SD will be the second biggest party with around 20% of the vote. They'll still get frozen out though by the other parties. Current polls suggest the red green parties will win again and the alliance parties will miss out. They'd be in power if they decided to enter dialogue with SD who in return would give them their support in parliament, but they refuse to do this on the basis of not wanting to be associated with them. Cutting their nose off to spite their face really. All a bit silly when their political views are mostly the same apart from SD being a bit more anti-immigrant.