Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post
I've never had an omlette that was anything other than bland. Mostly because the egg is always overcooked and an overcooked egg is a horrible thing. Mind you, I've never had a truffled omlette, even after a week in the Dordogne, and I've always thought they might be wonderful.

Fried with a very runny yoke? Yes. Scrambled provided they are cooked very slowly? Yes. Poached with a very runny yoke? Yes.

Omlette? No.
I don't even know where to start with this.

Yes I do. A man who claims to have a knowledge of food but has never cooked, or even experienced, a correctly baveuse omelette, should hang his head in shame. He massive, bald, sweaty head.

And as for lacking the ability to spell omelette...