Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Oh, I feel that our legislators are grossly, grossly underpaid and the expenses thing is a tacit acknowledgment of such. However, you can't have the büggers thinking they're immune from scrutiny and that's what the 'scandal' was really about - reminding them who they work for.
I don't think anyone was really outraged by most of it. I think it was more about the fun of watching MPs squirm as they tried to explain why they'd watched a dirty movie than it was about genuine outrage.
Yes, the genuine outrage (mostly from the left) would come from really finding out how these guys make money and what they do with it. Its nothing to do with expenses but would give you a good indication of who they actually ‘work for’ and who they really represent.

Still, that is democracy, innit. An oil company is just as entitled to be represented in parliament as you or me- even more entitled given how much they pay for it