Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
I agree to a point. But I don't think it's quite right to lump Harris in with the middle class liberal intelligentsia, as he would be chucked out of your average Hamptons dinner party within 5 seconds of opening his mouth on most subjects. He is, after all, pro-racial profiling, pro-torture (in some instances), and pro-immigration control, among other things.

The podcast is worth listening to, I think. The fella interviewed is non-political, and stays well away from the usual political talking points around Trump and instead attempts to defend his character in a thought-provoking way.
Fair enough. I'll give it a listen. Harris just annoys me with his 'not fit to be President' schtick. What the fùck does that even mean? He's clever enough to know that the concept of a fit President is an entirely subjective construct.