Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
I remember it as a place of endless hot summers, snowball fights in winter, riding bikes and playing without a care in the world. That's childhood, I guess.

Actually, there were always bits that were rougher than others. Around there used to be pretty respectable (although some kid did get stabbed in the park around the time of the Brixton riots). Then white flight happened, of course.

Who mugged you?
I can't remember the name of the road, but it contained several families of Oirishers as well as my Oirish brood. Perhaps this is why my recollection is tinged with repulsion.

I suppose I was about 10 and walking along with my cousin when we were set upon by a group of big boys who took our few pennies and gave us a mild slap just for the look of the thing. I never told anyone out of a sense of shame.

I'm like a rape victim in many respects.