Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
Yes people really should just know their place and quietly accept everything forced upon them

You must be quite unhappy though - Corbyn surely has shot his foot, knees, *******s and all off. Was looking on Twitter as that tweet came up. These days it takes a lot to shock but that really was a piece of such spectacular ineptitude he must really want to get out of the jon
Surely at some point a degree of dignified acceptance of the result is required, though? You don't have to like it, but it is happening, you're not changing it and perhaps it might be time to get on with things rather than sitting around calling everyone else racist Little Englanders and telling us all how ashamed you are to be British because you didn't get your way, which is just a bit fûcking tiresome and childish, but seems to be the default position today (not talking about you, btw).

As to Corbyn, he's an unbelievable fûck-up machine, isn't he? Apart from that tweet, I also love his appalling timing as he managed to have his most effective and damaging PMQs on the same day that it was bound to end up being ignored on the news agenda.
I think there is a serious worry for the Tories that he might actually go, but if he didn't go after the referendum, why would he go now?