Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
challenged more fiercely?

Virtually the entire Remain campaign was based on warnings about the economic risks involved in leaving. Of course, many of the so-called “low information voters” may not have been able to recite the various figures involved, but to suggest that they voted without knowing that leaving would lead to risk and uncertainty is absolutely f*cking outrageous.

I don’t understand why there’s not been greater push back against this shame-faced lie?
I would say, actually, that it was true. Remainers voted for the status quo, that was a reasonably informed judgement because we know what we've got. I remember saying at the time that, whilst I might be tempted instinctively, to vote to leave, no one was giving me an argument upon which I could make that judgement. No one told us what leaving would mean in terms of having a plan to replace the EU trade deals which govern how we do bsuiness. I sort of assumed that some genius had worked out such a plan, but that that they simply weren't prepared to share iot with us. This seemed to me to make it impossible to vote Leave, because I had no idea what the outcome of this decision would be for the country.

Obviously, the thick, fat, ignorant, benefits-stealing feckless northerners give not a single fúck what happens to the country as long as their giro arrives on a Tuesday, so they voted in swathes to send the w*gs home. Others voted to give the liberal elite a good kick in the gonads; others still to save our sovereignity, and so on. But not one single leave voter had the first idea what the effects on the country would be, and so, in effect, didn't know what they were voting for.