Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Did you by any chance see the Premier League show or whatever it's called? They did a 20 years of AW special with ex-players, Amy Lawrence and Piers Morgan round the table. It was interesting if for nothing else but the outright withering contempt that Ian Wright, John Hartson and Martin Keown clearly displayed for that odious **** Morgan's anti-AW views. At one point I thought (hoped) that Martin Keown was going to lose his rag and simply rip his head off.

The regard that all the players - a couple of whom have no great reason to love him - clearly hold for Wenger was striking, actually.
I saw a brief clip of that, possibly at that moment where Keown was debating whether to defenestrate the cóckslime Morgan

Mind you, why anyone would be interested in what he has to say on the matter of Wenger (or, indeed, anything else) is a mystery.

I've got this suspicion that Southgate is going to be left in charge of England until May and then Wenger will take it on.