Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
My favourite thing is the odd bedfellows it's created, with southern, middle-class Tory Brexiteers speaking of their damp-eyed solidarity with white, working class northerners who've never voted Tory in their lives and Guardianista lefties suddenly letting the mask slip to reveal their rampant snobbery, ageism and anti-democratic instincts to side with the likes of Goldman Sachs against the uppity oiks. It's hilarious, really.
I have been saying for nearly 20 years that the old notions of left and right are not applicable as they were, and that the current establishment is not the establishment of old. When what considers itself the Left lines up behind the IMF, World Bank, CBI, plus every capitalist and financial institution going, and siding with the leaderships of the three main parties, 80% of MPs, almost all the newspapers and the entire 'luvvie' celebrity class, and against what they consider to be "the mob", you know we are living in Interesting Times.