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Thread: So the Russians decided to buzz a US aircraft carrier? This seems a rash move, tbh.

  1. #1

    So the Russians decided to buzz a US aircraft carrier? This seems a rash move, tbh.

    Still I'm sure it's all everyone but Russia's fault according to our resident Kremlin stooges snin and Ash.

  2. #2
    although unlike the Mericans to keep their itchy trigger finger still

  3. #3
    Either that or Aegis has stopped working

  4. #4

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tom Cruise should have shot the chap down before he got close,

    shouldn't he? Don't tell me Hollywood has lied to me, reg. Or any of the other call signs for that matter.

  5. #5
    It was a Su-24 apparently. I expect they were hoping the Septics would shoot it down to save them the cost of scrapping the poor old thing.

  6. #6
    The Jorge

    Hey, how come I'm not a Gremlin stooge?

    I'm shocked

  7. #7
    I'm sure they'll get their opportunity in the South China seas, all going to kick off there

  8. #8
    A decoy, stalking horse to test out Star Wars, imo. Or whatever they're calling it nowadays. Missile Defence.

  9. #9
    Oh, cos you're just a communist, j, whereas Ash is a slavophile and snin is just a crypto-fascist lunatic in anti-western clothing, adoring anyone he perceives to be an authoritarian 'strongman'.

  10. #10
    Tom Cruise is Finnish, imo.

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