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Thread: Good heavens!

  1. #21

    That's not the point. He doesn't have to have been harmed. All that matters is that

    HR-drone types are outraged and they should be locked up, apparently.

  2. #22

    Frown Your somewhat hardline attitude to this case disturbs me, IUFG.

    It leads me to question whether your commitment is to the Human part of the equation, or whether, perhaps, you see this as more of a Resource

  3. #23

    hehe You're very spiky today, a. Is everything alright?

  4. #24

    From what I read in the story, they did it *because* they were being filmed.

    You make it sound like Abu Ghraib.

  5. #25

    I'm outraged that people can behave like that AT WORK whilst they should be CARING for someone.

  6. #26

    I have worked in that industry sc

    Been involved in all sorts of horrible disciplinary / legal nonsense involving abuse.

    Some of the **** that 'carers' (and qualified staff too) can do to vulnerable people they should be caring for is beyond shocking.

    This is the thinner end of the 'Winterbourne View' wedge imo

  7. #27

    Frown I can see that you care deeply about this issue, and I honour you for it.

    On the other hand, it's hard not to like a party where the chicks get their tits out.

    It's a dilemma, I won't lie to you.

  8. #28

    Well it's very badly paid and no-one with a choice would want to do it. Who do you think you're

    going to recruit? Mother Theresa?

    It must be a f**king miserable, depressing and soul-destroying job. I can't really judge if such people get a bit pissed and misbehave.

  9. #29

    Nod There ain't no party like a topless care home party.

  10. #30

    what a load of horse****

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