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Thread: Jesus Christ, this septic election *******s is still going on!!

  1. #1

    Jesus Christ, this septic election *******s is still going on!!

    They've been at it for months and they haven't really got going yet.


  2. #2

    That was Wrestlemania, I think.

  3. #3

    Yeah, they do like to drag it out

    They've not even got to the point of naming candidates yet

  4. #4

    This isn't even the election proper. They're still trying to decide who's going to fight the f**king

    election. It really is a very silly system.

    Also, I fear Trump may have f**ked it and he was really the only interesting thing about the whole pile of *******s.

  5. #5

    Really? I'm sorry to hear that.

  6. #6

    It'll be the harridan or the ancient commie, won't it?

    Can they really not do better than those two dinosaurs?

  7. #7

    Frown I wonder if people realise that Cruz is actually pure f**king evil - look at his face

  8. #8

    Also, I saw everyone cluthing their pearls because Trump had said that women

    who had abortions should be punished. Only upon investigation was it admitted that he said women who had abortions should be punished if abortions were ilegal.

    So he suggested that someone breaking the law should be punished.


  9. #9

    He looks like a caricature of a slimy US politician.

  10. #10

    Certainly they can, for the important positions

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