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Thread: Absolutely sickening, but uttelry unsurprising, to read the criticism of Charlie Hebdo’s superb

  1. #91

    No. Because the motivations are explicit. The intention of radical Islam is to attack and defeat the

    west and bring the whole world into the Umma. They make no f**king bones about that and you can hear them spout it anytime they open their mouths. They demonstrated their seriousness about this intention by flying planes into the Twin Towers, remember?

    Given which, what would you have suggested that the US and the West did about it? Sat down and chatted with them?

  2. #92

    Ok, fair enough, I see the parallel you were drawing.

    I guess to dig deeper we'd need to know your reasoning for considering it wrong, and seeing if the parallels between you and moderate muslims who also believe it to be wrong survive this extra scrutiny.

  3. #93


    Explicitly religious. Important to remember that.

  4. #94

    That mention of the Saudis was simply to refute your point about all the blameless Bengalis and

    Pakistanis who had somehow been forced into radicalism and away from secularism by the evil British Empire or something. It was pointing out that these people had chosen very deliberately to espouse an explicitly regressive, anti-western form of Islam right off their own bats. It was nothing to do with Saudi Arabia or how we ought to deal with it.

  5. #95

    That's not really defensive though, is it?

    But no, we were there to "liberate" them, werent we?

  6. #96

    Well it's nice to know you can admit you were wrong

    Even if it's then followed by a profoundly hamfisted attempt to stuff words into my mouth.

  7. #97

    So you're just ignoring the fact that the major act of aggression that precipitated the 'war on

    terror' was perpetrated by radical Islam against the west and not the other way around?

    And how is attempting to defeat the authors of such an attack in order to prevent them doing it again not a defensive measure?

  8. #98

    I would prefer we did no business with the Sauds tbh

  9. #99

    Again, I would point you to British Hindus and ask you what the difference might be?

  10. #100

    Not feasible, I'm afraid. They own most of the world's oil and we need oil. Have another go.

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