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Thread: The Media have won. I am full of fear.

  1. #1

    The Media have won. I am full of fear.

    I am on the Northern Line earlier in the middle carriage (best to avoid the middle but knowing your exit.

    anyway there is a bloke sitting their looking shifty with a big bag reading a little book in Arabic. I couldn't wait to get off the train.

    The media have turned me into a tube racist.
    On the other hand they don't help themselves do they

    However it begs the question. If there was a real life terrorist fella about to go down. would we all be to scared to stop him just in case he isn't in fear of being a big racist?

  2. #2

    You are basically a Canadian Monty.

    Essentially a gay.

  3. #3

    Oy vey eh?

  4. #4

    That said, a Koran must be a solid gold guarantee of getting a seat

    Not to mention some space for your ruck sack

  5. #5

    You should have leapt on him and started pummelling him into unconsciousness.

    They wouldn't have been able to touch you for it imo.

  6. #6


  7. #7

    Yeah. Although you do have to weigh the minor inconvenience of standing up for three stops against

    the possibility of being shot 8 times in the face with low-velocity rounds.

    Tricky one, I'll grant you.

  8. #8

    Will there be space for his wives?

  9. #9

    Good shot!

  10. #10

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