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Thread: Belgians blown up

  1. #1

    Belgians blown up

  2. #2

    A tragedy. Not unexpected though. The US helped the Khmer Rouge come to power by mindlessly and

    relentlessly bombing Cambodia back in the 1970s, then the US/UK gave birth to ISIS with their criminal war in Iraq and the one they lost in Afghanistan. You can't expect to go there and bomb and kill the f**k out of everyone indiscriminately and not have some of it come back to your own doorstep. I pray for the safety of all of us, even the ones here on awimb who are very pro-war, because in the end it's us - the pathetic lied-to innocent folk who suffer, not the ****ers in cabinet and the pathetic uniform wearing peacocks in high command. f**k 'em all!

  3. #3

    Now one at the Metro station. Where next? Brussels is a stinking, wreched cesspit of extremeist


    I hope that the Muslim community doesn't remain largely silent on the matter as they have a habit of doing.

  4. #4

    We must arrest and beat up some Morrocans and then

    find out who was behind this.

  5. #5

    Maybe if you shut the f**k up for 5 seconds you would hear them

  6. #6

    No need for "for 5 seconds you would hear them" imo

  7. #7

    I was in two minds about the "Maybe if you" bit as well, tbh

  8. #8

    You can be pretty sure someone high up above knew about this, but chose to ignore it. More profit.

  9. #9

    Yawn Yeah, 'cos there was no Islamic terrorism before the invasion of Iraq, was there?

    People like you whose first response to Islamic barbarians murdering people is to point the finger at the US and UK are basically just useful idiots for ISIS.

  10. #10

    Re: Now one at the Metro station. Where next? Brussels is a stinking, wreched cesspit of extremeist

    Probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened in Brussels

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