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Thread: Nice interview with Dani Alves in the Guardian.

  1. #11

    Good luck with punching a professional sportsman.

    He'd batter the snot out of you with one hand.

  2. #12

    Right. Principles is for always, not just when you win.

  3. #13

    For sure he is fashion forward, good luck to him in that respect.

    Actually a very under-rated and maligned player, often lazily labelled in the long history of Brazilian so obviously doesn’t know how to defend types.

    Au contraire.

  4. #14

    Takes a definite je ne sais quoi to look that much of a c**t

  5. #15

    It's not like he's Zlatan or anything

    I'd stick a tenner on the boy SW imo.

    You've got to back your own.

  6. #16

    I didn't say I was going to.

    What do you take me for?

    I wouldn't simply punch any chap. I merely said he had a face you would like to punch.

  7. #17

    So if you could catch Mo Farah you don't think you would be able to knock him out?

  8. #18

    Ah, you're just showing your bitter, jealous streak there.

    Everyone wants or claims to be free and in control of their own life and destiny, but most people are actually not even in control of their own choice of trouserings.


  9. #19

    You understand that he spends all day, every day, having his body

    smashed about by gurt lummoxing bruisers? And that in a fight, the shock of impact is what slows you down?

    He isn't going to be shocked by any impact from the junk mail king, trust me.

  10. #20

    SW could offer to buy him a pint - that would shock him

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