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Thread: "Can you imagine then having to explain why his prized photograph

  1. #1

    "Can you imagine then having to explain why his prized photograph

    of him meeting his hero had to be removed from his bedroom."

    Way more serious issues at stake here, my man. Way more serious.

  2. #2

    We're not clairvoyant Red..wotchoo on abaht?

  3. #3

    An open letter sent by a disgruntled dad to Sunderland FC, over their handling of Adam Johnson.

  4. #4

    The old man has yet to get round to the lads Rolf Harris toy kangeroo and the

    Jim'll Fix It Badge

  5. #5

    This is why you should never, ever explain anything to children.

    Anyway, I always thought "kangaroo" was an extremely rude word.

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