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Thread: The other good 70s/80s disability-related term of abuse, of course, was 'flid'.

  1. #1

    The other good 70s/80s disability-related term of abuse, of course, was 'flid'.

    But I guess its use is rare nowadays as flidomites and flidomitism have become less fashionable.

  2. #2

    You must have had it used against you often I imagine.

  3. #3

    Generally accompanied by T-Rex style flappy arms. We knew how to express ourselves in those days.

  4. #4

    Surely we can keep "flyd"

    C'mon, let us have that won. There arent any flyds any more, and the ones that are still about have surely developed a thick enough skin by now.

  5. #5

    Only if I did or said something particularly fliddy, m Shrug

  6. #6

    There's that actor fella who keeps complaining that there aren't enough parts for flids.

  7. #7

    Scroll down and you'll find plenty of fliddy moments you've had.

  8. #8

    Hardly. A flid would never have been able to reach the keyboard for a start.

    Unless you're suggesting I use a

  9. #9

    There are flid savants. QED.

  10. #10

    Simpler times. Gentler times.

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