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Thread: Must say, I do like South Africa's mascot. He has dignity and a kind face.

  1. #11

    He's a f**king full kit lizard ****er. He wears a choker like a massive quare and sports a

    baseball cap. In short, he is everything you despise sartorially.

  2. #12

    Haterz will hate.

    He's harmless and good for business. Not that you've seen him and his penalty frolicks at half time.

  3. #13

    He is a dinosaur. One cannot apply a gentleman's code of sartorial acceptability

    to a dinosaur.

  4. #14

    He's a role model for children, man!

    How can we ever expect young Arsenalists to dress themselves properly with him as an example?

  5. #15

    What has a dinosaur to do with Arsenal football club, a? Answer me that!

    And don't you dare give me that 'egg found under the North Bank' ****!

    If I ever went and got close enough, I would punch the imposter in the throat.

  6. #16

    Manager who's been there since the Jurassic Period?

  7. #17

    Masto-Don Howe? Graham 'Tyrannosaurus' Rix?

  8. #18

    and Terry-dactyl Neil

  9. #19


  10. #20

    Diplodogus Ceasar? Cherno Sambarosaurus? Shane Guanlong?

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