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Thread: So the government is trying to ban poppers? Frown

  1. #71

    Yes Minister

  2. #72

    Right. I presumed he meant after you've run out of beer.

  3. #73

    I don't really like beer any more. I enjoy a couple, and then I just can't manage any more.

    Even Guinness, which in wintertime I would suck down like a baby on the tit, now seems to me a huge quantity of sour liquid, to be defeated rather than enjoyed.

  4. #74

    Why would that happen, red? WHY?

  5. #75

    It's the world we live in, I'm afraid. Interesting times and a' that.

    One is often forced to wonder whether it is actually worth carrying on.

  6. #76

    Bitter's the thing. I can still drink a good faceful of ale when the situation demands.

    I lost count at about 12 pints one one evening last summer.

    That said, such an intake used to be a fairly standard weekend evening. Now it's worthy of note. Tempus fugit.

  7. #77

    No, it was quite a diverse gang, like you see in TV coverage

  8. #78

    You checked, haven't you?

    All of them.

    We could go on all day with this. Maryam Namazie, ban attempted at Warwick. Now there's a top, top university, Wichard. A somewhat windy CiF piece seems to sympathise with the blocking. ity-of-warwick-maryam-namazie-activist

    Generic piece about the culture of banning at universities. g-down-speakers-universities-risk

    And beyond universities - Calls to ban Trump from the UK for having the wrong ideas ie - he wants to ban people from the US for, erm, having the wrong ideas.

  9. #79

    Never let it be said you aren't an equal opportunities provocateur, j.

  10. #80

    The Trump thing was f**king ridiculous, I'll grant you

    but you could equally put that down to a reaction to obnoxious man is unpopular rather than attack on our freedoms.

    And, yes nice article on the whole banning business still not convinced a bunch of up-their-arses students represents society as whole, particularly as even if they do go into proper politics they don't necessarily hold the same loony political views as, a say, 30-year than they do as a student, unless they are Jeremy Corbyn

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